Beyond ‘red states and blue states’
Source: Rich Gordon, Knight Lab, Northwestern University
“a large web-based interactive database that tells a journalistic story using software instead of words and pictures.”
— Scott Klein, Propublica
Some characteristics of effective news apps:
“...following a tight narrative path early on (the stem of the glass) and then opening up later for free exploration (in the body of the glass).”
Source: Edward Segel and Jeffrey Heer, “Narrative Visualization: Telling Stories with Data” (2010)
Source: The Economist
The election choropleth: a short history
New York Times, 1896
Source: Matthew Ericson
Source: New York Times
Source: New York Times
Source: New York Times
Source: RTVE
Source: Berliner Morgenpost
Source: Economist 2014
Source: Le Figaro, 2009
Source: Los Angles Times
Source: Los Angles Times
Source: Los Angles Times
Source: Los Angles Times, 2012
Source: Spiegel Online, 2009
Source: NRV, 2009
Source: The Times, 1964, in Danny Dorling, “Area Cartograms: Their Use and Creation”
Source: The Economist, 2013
Is geography really the story?
Poll tracker,
Poll tracker, Süddeutsche Zeitung
Poll tracker, Huffington Post
Source: New York Times, 2012
Source: Zeit Online, 2013
Source: BBC, 2009
Source: New York Times, 2010 via Matthew Ericson, “When Maps Shouldn’t Be Maps”, 2010
Source: NPR, 2012