links for 2007-07-01
Alistair Campbell talks to US public radio about Tony Blair’s relationship with the British media.
PFJ survey: “Candidates with between 3 and 5 years experience command £24K in the local press but £35K for online titles – that’s 46% more. After five years that gap widens further – £30K compared with £45 online.”</p>
Alexa stats (usual disclaimer apply) suggest TechCrunch gets nearly as much traffic as the Guardian. Stephen Davies “Here’s a team of three (I think) compared alongside two national titles consisting of streams of professional journalists.”
“For centuries, an encyclopedia was synonymous with a fixed, archival idea about the retrievability of information from the past. But Wikipedia’s notion of the past has enlarged to include things that haven’t even stopped happening yet.”
- relaunched a day ahead of plan to cover the Glasgow airport story with its new site.
Chris Dillow on why Gordon Brown and David Miliband are portrayed as wonks, geeks or swots: “One possibility is simply that anyone of above-average intellect will look like a freakish genius next to the average journalist.” Ouch.
“It’s about time the industry faced reality: Registration doesn’t work. The information gathered is largely a database of lies. … Registration data is only useful to us when it’s also useful to the user.”