links for 2007-04-03
“Deputy Chief Minister Stuart Falla, said there was “not enough of a problem” to warrant having a freedom of information (FOI) act.”
Reuters reissued a photograph featuring an “unidentified man” after a reader wrote in explaining that it was Somali Prime Minister Ali Ghedi.
Spotted in the Daily Mirror: “MAPLE leaves, not cannabis, were the adornment on Britney Spears’ coat sleeves in our picture (Page 13, March 26)”
Alfie Dennon’s moblogUK Technology has licensed a mobile blogging ‘Participation Toolkit’ to Channel 4.
Martin Rosenbaum: the FOI Act “is now shining into what for central goverment is one of the most sensitive areas, the process of policy formulation and internal discussion.”
“We’ve all heard about employees being sacked for blogging. But as the fad begins to wane, will staff soon be sacked for failing to blog?”
We’re finally making better use of our existing still photographs — Here’s a Soundslides presentation about the Telegraph’s new newsroom.