links for 2007-01-22
Nieman Reports dedicates an entire issue to the future of newspapers and the move to digital publishing.
Andrew Grant-Adamson on “I read that on Friday 7,700 homes in Suffolk and 3,400 in Essex were still without power. What has happened since? This looks more like shovel-ware than a 24-hour local news website.”
Francis Pisani says many “Web 2.0″ sites have little to do with journalism, but there are still things about them that journalists ought to learn.
The Huffington Post has introduced a Digg-style voting system allowing users to determine the rank of items appearing on the site.
John Suler, author of The Psychology of Cyberspace, tells Dave Cohn that “the juggling act which we perform online can effect the way we read the news”. Cohn examines what this means for online writing style.
Battelle takes on the derivative myth: “The approach the NYT takes, editorially, to describing ‘user generated content’… is so dismissive, so backhanded, it makes me want to scream.”