links for 2006-12-07
From January unique users will replace page impressions as the mandatory minimum metric to be certified by ABC Electronic.
Simon Waldman posts some recent links and asks you to connect the dots.
Kevin Anderson blogs his impressions from the stage at’s Readers’ Revolution panel on Monday night.
Time Magazine: “Some predict their imminent demise, but the dailies remain profitable, popular and powerful. Here’s why they’ll survive”
Tom Foremski asks Gogle VP of product management Susan Wojcicki to monetise Google News — and share the revenue with newspapers.
NowPublic co-founder Michael Tippett: “When you build a bookshelf you don’t think of yourself as a citizen carpenter … The same is true for news. When I tell a friend about something I saw while walking to work I don’t imagine myself sitting in front
Tom Foremski: “The medium of ‘news’ is clearly becoming the Internet. But are things like journalistic ‘ethics’ part of the package? And does the definition of ethical journalism need to change?”
MySociety’s Freedom of Information Filer and Archive has received £24,500 in funding from the JRSST Charitable Trust, and will begin work in the new year.