links for 2006-11-09
“Two BNP activists have won a vital round of a quest for libel damages over serious allegations made in a [Searchlight Magazine] article.”
Blogosphere growth slowing according to Dave Sifry’s latest report, but perhaps the reduction of splogs on Technorati means that real blogs are growing faster.
Business 2.0 has launched its experiment with tying reporters’ pay to the traffic generated by their blogs. Editor Josh Quittner explains to NPR’s On the Media.
Bloggers and YouTube had a major role in documenting voting problems in the US congressional election, the New York Times reports
Kevin Marsh responds to PG’s article about his SoE speech: “! wasn’t actually aware of slamming anyone or, for that matter, revealing anything. I was there to talk about the journalist of tomorrow and the learning we (the industry generally) need to offer